As always, link up below and encourage your readers to do the same!

(1) What's your all time favorite book?
(2) What are your pets names?
(3) What kind of undies do you prefer (thong, briefs, boxer briefs...choose depending on your sex)?
(4) If you could go back in life, what would you now chose to do for a living?
(5) Do you hit snooze in the morning?
(1) This one's easy for me ... The Last Lecture. I don't know if you guys have read this book, but I highly recommend it. Evan and I read it out loud to each other every evening before bed. He had to read the last chapter because I was bawling. It's a book that a Dad (Randy Pausch) wrote to his children because he had terminal cancer and wanted to pass along the lessons he wouldn't be able to teach in person. The lessons aren't just for children. They were so insightful, meaningful, and inspirational. In fact, now that I'm a Mom, I think I'll read it again. Watch this video. It's what made me buy the book.
(2) We have one doggie and her name is Linda Mujer (Pretty Woman in Spanish). Normally, we call her Linda. When she's in trouble, it's the whole name. She's the cutest little beagle mix you've ever seen. At the law firm I worked for last year, one of the partners called the clerks his legal beagles. So, since then, her nicknamed has been Regal Legal Beagle. I think just calling her Linda would be shorter. Seriously though, she's freaking adorable...
Linda when she was a puppy. She was 3.5 pounds of adorableness.
Linda today: still adorable, but now she's a whopping 14 pounds (yeah, a tiny beagle, I know).
(3) None of your bees wax. But, if you most know, I wear slacks often and I HATE visible panty line, so think about it... And, for you gross minds out there, no it's not going commando.
(4) This one's really tough for me. The answer is ... I don't know. There are so many things out there that I wish I had thought of. One is having gotten my doctorate in Political Science instead of Juris. The other thought is going in to Architecture. That one is completely uneducated though. However, the poli sci thing? That would have been great. That being said, no regrets is the way I live my life now, so I'm very happy where I'm at.
(5) NO. I HATE snooze hitters. Really, I do. This was one thing I made very clear to Evan when we got married. If he hit snooze, this would just have me stay up, thus leaving me with less time to sleep. We let the alarm ring once, and only once. Darn you snooze hitters of the world!!!!
Have a FABULOUS Turkey Day guys! Link up and go check out others answers, especially to the favorite book...I can't wait to hear of some new reads I have to buy!
I missed last week too :) My mini Dachshund is also 14 lbs. Have a great week.
ReplyDeletehi there! the book sound interesting, will check that one..
ReplyDeleteHappy Monday!
I haven't read The Last Lecture - my parents read it when my dad was very sick with cancer and I know it moved both of them. I just can't bring myself to read it yet. But, I will read it eventually!
ReplyDeletePoop! I didn't know if there was going to be a Monday Minute this week. I never received the email. :(
ReplyDeleteCheck out the award I sent you on my blog