Monday, April 26, 2010

Week 33 Survey

How far along? 33 weeks tomorrow
Maternity clothes?
I wish they made maternity shoes for my big ugly swollen feet!  My feet have started hurting this week which hadn't been too much of a problem before that.  I've heard alot of women like really soft, squishy flip flops but I (at least for now) refuse to buy something for only a few weeks of use.  The maternity purchases already frustrate me enough.  But, if they made cute maternity shoes that were comfier than usual, then I might be willing to fork over the cash.

Stretch marks?
No sir!  Alright! : ) 

You know, even if it isn't my back killing me, I rarely get very deep sleep any more.  I miss that.  I'm sleepy, but I still haven't hit that third trimester exhaustion.  I get tired for sure, but usually if I just lay down or relax for a little while, it rejuvenates me.  Around 6 p.m. everyday, I wish I could take a nap but I think that's so weird and funny...why six?  Who knows!?  So, I take a sip of coke or I lay down on the couch (if I'm home yet) and relax for 30 minutes.  After that, I'm good to go for the rest of the day.

Best moment this week: 
My parents came to visit this weekend after our HORRIBLE week and it was amazing.  We were busy doing lots of household chores and things that just had to get done, but still had an amazing time.  My parents drove 12 hours this weekend just because I told them "would you come brighten up our week?"  Now that is the kind of Mommy I want to be to Liliana one day...

Movement: We sure did have some.  She was quieter yesterday, but that's really common at this stage of pregnancy.  Movement wise, I found weeks 26 - 30 to be the best because she wasn't too big yet.  Now, she doesn't have as much room to move around because my amniotic fluid levels max out around this stage of pregnancy.  I rarely have movements that hurt anymore, but when I lay down, I can definitely feel a body moving inside of me...weeeird.

Food cravings: My gummies are always in the pantry! ; )

We got a really fun box from Uncle Tyler on Friday and it was full of stuff for our baby girl!  That really brightened our week too.  It had the cutest little swim suit you've ever seen in it too.  It's for her to use when she's a year old, so maybe she'll get to put it on for July 4th!

Labor Signs: 
Very few Braxton Hicks this week, which I like.  Even my Mom, who is a worry wart, said that at my week 34 survey, she won't be worried about the pregnancy at all.  Babies after 34 weeks usually come home within 3 - 5 days if they're otherwise healthy, so the fact that I haven't had signs of pre-term labor yet are reassuring.

Belly Button in or out?
It's still out, but the whole thing didn't come out if that makes sense.  I don't think it will.  My belly button is WEIRD looking though!  Even my beloved parents who think I'm the prettiest little lady they've ever seen agree.  That's when you know you got a weird looking body part, when even your parents go "huh...that IS weird!"

What I miss:
I know I've said that I miss working out, but I miss it more now than ever before because my Doctor put me on working out bed rest last Thursday.  Everytime I had worked out the previous week, it kept making my uterus hurt and harden.  She said that I'm ONLY allowed to swim.  I can't even go for nice walks with Evan or Linda because my uterus hardened once and she didn't like that.  She said that about 1% of women go in to pre-term labor when they're working out and she didn't want that happening to me, so I can't work out, unless I'm swimming, until week 37 and by then I'll be so huge that it'll be uncomfortable for different reasons.  Sigh.

What I am looking forward to:
This isn't baby related, but this is my LAST week of law school courses and I'm really looking forward to never waking up for classes ever again...awesome.

Weekly Wisdom:
Don't be afraid to say you have to slow down or have to eat, etc.  I think I took it a little too far on Saturday.  We were buying plants for my Mom and Evan to plant on Saturday and I started getting horrible back pain.  Instead of being straight up honest about it, I pushed myself a little too much.  I should have voiced my mind more because instead I was in pretty bad back and foot pain for a couple hours after we finally got home.  On the plus side though, our new landscaping (paid for by Abuela, thanks Abuela!) looks awesome!  Nothing EVER comes back in Lubbock because the winters are too harsh, so we do this every year.  And...every year, we're convinced maybe some of the plants will come back. HA!

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