Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday's Little Things

(1) I am SO freaking glad it's Friday.  This week has gone by REALLY slowly for me.  Usually the weeks fly by, but time is CRAWLING by this week and I'm guessing next week will be even worse because it'll be closer and closer to finding out if we're having a bambino or bambina.

(2) Speaking of whether we'll have a lady or a gentleman, I'm having SERIOUS panic attacks because we don't know the boy name yet.  Seriously.  Like, full fledged feeling hot at my desk when I realize I feel kicks and don't know what we'll name them.  I have this WEIRD desire to know the name (or at least 2 contenders) when we find out the sex.  I want to IMMEDIATELY start calling them by name for some reason.  We are SET with the girl - first and middle name.  As for the boy, we came changing on nearly a daily basis.  By we, I mean I do.  Evan's cool as a cucumber about it all.  I do think I know what I want, believe it or not, and it isn't even a name that I've mentioned on here before.  I don't have a middle name to go with it yet ... we'll see!

(3) Last weeks Glee was brilliant.  I am a Michael Jackson fan, but not a huge one by any means.  That show, somehow made me a bigger fan.  It was cleverly done.  I think it's kinda dumb that Rachel and Finn are engaged though.  That being said, TRULY, if Evan had proposed to me when I was 18, I would have said yes.  Isn't that crazy?  I knew he was the one for me even that young.  And you want to know something even crazier?  I don't think my parents would have been unhappy.  They always knew too.  Now ... about next week?  DUDE! RICKY FREAKING MARTIN!  I CAN'T WAIT!  A Puerto Rican on Glee?  I am SO there.

(4) Over the weekend, Evan and I went on a date and saw the Descendants with George Clooney.  I know everybody loves it, but nobody told me the movie was REALLY freaking depressing.  Seriously.  Like, bawling in the movie theatre.  And it isn't only the pregnancy hormones.  The movie is about a guy finding out his wife was having an affair on him and she's in a coma now, so how does he recover through this and still raise his two daughters who he has never really been there for.  Sounds like a picker-upper huh?  I would recommend renting it, because it is brilliantly acted and the story is compelling, but I wouldn't pay $9.00 to need a box of Kleenex.

(5) Since I started my whole "Lacefield Home Renovation" project, I've been pretty addicted to HGTV.  I've watched all the Color Splash on my OnDemand and can't get enough.  Have you guys discovered  It's like pinterest, simply for decorating.  ADDICTING.  Evan and I have been pinning stuff and just writing messages back and forth to each other.  We've had a pretty good time with that.

(6) Liliana fell at daycare yesterday.  She is in to this new thing where all she does is RUN.  No walking allowed for her anymore.  As a result, she's falling more often and she did in the playground.  The daycare immediately called me and they were so apologetic.  I kept telling them not to stress.  Liliana has fallen in front of me at least 5 times this week.  We don't have cat like reflexes.  They even called me last night because they were wondering how she was doing!  She doesn't notice, but her face does look pretty beat up.  You can see the bruising underneath her eye and then the main cut under her nose.  Poor baby girl!!! : (  Mommy's heart broke for her.  She still smiles though ... and those eyes ... dear lord.  GORGEOUS.

(7) That's it.  I had lots of thoughts ... and none of them were that "little" either.  Have I mentioned I'm excited for the weekend?  I need sleep!

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